Monday, April 02, 2007

Dear Friends,

The sun is shining and the weather is very pleasant here in Ireland today. Just two days ago we had one of those typical "have it all" in one day type of days here in Ireland. We had calm winds, clear sunny skies as my family picked up a lady at the airport who had come for a visit. We then drove a few miles to show her a castle. We parked had lunch and then walked to view the castle. During this time the winds picked up and clouds moved quickly in. It then started sleeting, followed by snow and then finally finishing off with a down pour. It all happened in less then two minutes. The trouble is that we were about a ten minute walk back to the van. Needless to say, we were all drenched. We climbed in the van. As I wiped the water from my face, I smiling turned to our visitor and politely said"Welcome to Ireland!" You just never know about the weather here.

We are getting geared up for Easter Sunday coming up. Looking forward to it being a great day as we celebrate the Lord's resurrection. Tomorrow, I am preaching out of John 10 about "Laying down His life". Next week we are going to look into Christ's "taking it up again." I am excited about what God is doing in my heart as well as the hearts of the folks in Waterford. We are looking forward to being in Waterford permanently. It is a lot of work commuting back and forth. We are feverishly looking for a house in the Waterford area so that we can make the move as soon as possible. Having a ministry outreach in Waterford was not something that was in my long range plan. But God has a way of altering our plans sometimes. So, this alteration is not something that we had a lot of time to plan ahead for as far as moving is concerned. The move is going to cost us between $2500-$3000. We will be doing all that we can do to try to cover this cost; but, realistically, we do not have this money at all. If you would be interested in having a part in helping us with this expense please label it as "1233 moving expense" when sending it through BIMI. We are thankful for all that you do and are equally thankful even if you are not able or feel led to help with this expense. We are hoping and planning toward being on location in Waterford by the end of April. Please be in prayer with us that God will speed us along in good fashion. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to drop me a note or even get in touch with our sending church pastor, Bob Wall, at Fostoria Baptist Church (989)795-2185 or .

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

May the Lord find us faithful,
Don and Lisa Thatcher


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