Monday, March 10, 2008

March 7th Update

Dear Friends,

Well, this has been a most interesting week, and it brought with it a change of pace for us. We had a blessed day this past Sunday from the Lord. It was Mother's Day. I brought a message titled 'What my mother taught me" PR. 31:1. We also had a youth service in the evening with games, songs, youth oriented message and snacks. It was really good. Monday was a typical Monday for us which included taking Kevin to his classical guitar lesson. The day though ended a bit different then normal. Instead of spending the night in my bed as I normally do I got to find out how the beds are in Waterford Regional Hospital just down the road from where we live. I had a strange feeling come over me Monday evening-a little light headedness and a partial numbing of my right arm and right leg. Which lasted about four hours. Once I walked in the hospital they would not let me go until Thursday afternoon. In the mean time I went through a host of test and scans all of which came back as normal except for a slightly elevated cholesterol level. I do have to go back as a walk in for one more test on the heart. The initial thought was that I might have had a mini stroke, but the doctors can find no evidence of any damage. Another thought is a possible pinched nerve which is in the process of being checked out as well. I have felt quite fine since late in the night on Monday/Tuesday. It was a wonderful blessing to see our little group of folks from church here gather around to be a help to us. It also gave me a very unique opportunity to spend a good bit of time with each of them as them came by to check up on me. I am not sure what exactly happened and the doctors are a bit baffled as well, but God is good and knows what is going on. Psalm 62 especially verses 1, 7,8 were a tremendous source of strength to me. It is such a blessing to know that folks pray for us. Even when we may know w not what to pray the Lord knows the needs in peoples lives. I want to say thanks to a great host of folks--our friends and supporting churches. Thank you for your continual prayers and support on our behalf.

God bless,
Don Thatcher


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