Dear Mission Friends,
Well, with that subject heading did I get your attention? I wanted to give you an update from today. Today was one of the greatest days of blessing in the work here in Ireland. I have several things to share with you from today.
First of all, today was the celebration of Anniversary Sunday for the River Valley Baptist Church of Leixlip, Co. Kildare, Ireland. We have been planning and preparing for this day to celebrate the first anniversary since the chartering service last year. Our guest preacher again this year was Pastor Colin Pavitt from England. What a tremendous man of God who gave two great messages to challenge the church today. The days events brought our regular Sunday school classes followed by the morning service. We sang several songs, had two specials, and a most blessed time of testimonies centered around what the church means as well as how the church has been a blessing. What a day of victory as hearts were banded together in one accord. This was followed by Bro. Pavitt's message from Acts chapter 3. Immediately after the service we had a most delightful meal and time of fellowship together. After the meal we had our second service with more singing, testimonies and specials. One of which was the choir that we started just three weeks ago. How exciting and what a blessing this was to me as well as the whole church to be ministered to for the FIRST time in this way here in the River Valley Baptist Church! We had a total of 43 people present all of which stayed for the entire day. We had three of our regular folks that were not able to be with us today. Some of the blessings of the past year were:
1) Our FIRST missions conference.
2) Our FIRST preachers fellowship.
3) Our FIRST mass mail out distribution.
4) Our FIRST evangelistic meetings/music seminar.
5) Our FIRST ladies fellowship.
6) Our FIRST church picnic.
7) Our FIRST missionary family sent out from our church, Evan and Carmen Williams.
8) and today, our FIRST choir. What a great year God has richly blessed us with!
Second of all, Karissa has been witnessing to a neighbor girl, Ellenore, for two years now. Ellenore told Karissa about a month ago that she asked God to forgive her sins and to be her Savior. I certainly don't know a persons heart, but I do know how often and how hard Karissa has witnessed to Ellenore. She has been given the Truth. Well, Karissa invited Ellenore and her family to Anniversary Sunday. The family could not come, but much to our surprise Ellenore was allowed to come on this special day for her FIRST time! How exciting especially for Karissa! Thank you for praying for Ellenore and for Karissa's witness.
Thirdly, the Malan family of four have been coming for several months now and joined with us a couple of months ago, all except their 20 year old son Danie. Danie came occasionally to church. Over the course of hearing different messages, coming to the evangelistic meetings, and the witness of one of his peers in the workplace, Danie trusted Christ as his Savior two weeks ago. We as a church have been praying for his salvation. Thank you for your prayers as well. Today Danie gave his testimony in the service from the front of the church! Next week he is going to be baptized!!! Praise the Lord. Old things seem to have passed away and all things become new for the FIRST time in his life.
Fourthly, if all of this is just not enough, Eamon MacDonell came to the front and gave testimony for the FIRST time in front of the church as to his salvation. This was so exciting to just be a witness of all that was taking place on this special day. I just did not think it could get any better when all of a sudden Eamon said, "And by the way I'd like to be baptized next week as well!" Thank you for all of you that have been praying for Eamon. Please continue to remember his families need to be saved.
Praise the Lord for His goodness, mercy and grace and for allowing the Thatcher family to be able to serve Him here in Ireland. Lisa and I are so grateful for folks like you who partner with us in your prayers. Until next time...
May the Lord find us faithful,
Don Thatcher
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